DOM LA LENA « Oiseau Sauvage »

A song by Dom La Nena, released on 6 Degrees Records.
Directed by Jeremiah with the complicity of Etienne Saglio and his ghosts.
Produced by Oleo Films & Sabiá With the support of CNC, FCM and Le Centquatre-Paris

Girls: Lou Cotterau, Lucille Thiebault, Garance Griotto, Nina Mergot Guillé
Etienne Saglio assisted by Yohann Nayet
DOPs : Robin Montrau & Toma Anirae
Pointer : Caroline Guinbal
Color grading : Pierre Laurent
Costumes : Angele Micaux
Make up and hair : Karen Haddad
Props : Lola Aumont & Cyril Robert
Producer : Samuel Thiebault for Oléo Films

Produced and performed by Dom La Nena
Mixed by Noah Georgeson